Saturday 30 June 2012

Recent adventure

Last summer my husband had an exhibit in Singapore along with other artists Bernie Pacquing, Nilo Ilarde, Elaine Navas, Cris Villanueva, Hubert San Juan and Lyle Buencamino. Below are some of the highlights:

Lamp installation work near toilet of Taksu Gallery
Beng Calma Johnny in Singapore
Exhibit view with Bernie Pacquing
Beng Calma and family in Singapore
at Johnny's opening in Taksu Gallery Holland Village, Singapore

Beng Calma son Leon in Singapore Art Museum
Recent exhibit at Singapore Art Museum
Beng Calma son Leon sandwiched between paintings
"No Talking Points" is the show's title; Leon sandwiched between his dada's paintings
Beng Calma hanging out with son Leon
Hanging out

Not Content

Last week I noticed we had more bananas than usual at home. Kinda wondered why but set it aside. A few days later, Johnny shared his latest animation work with me. A funny and witty piece of material that made my day. Enjoy!

Manny Pacquiao Claymation

This I have to share. Manny Pacquiao Claymation by Alcazaren Brothers. The characters and overall design you see here (Manny Pacquiao, Freddie Roach, pig, and the entire set) were made by my husband Johnny. This took quite some time. Just imagine that every movement of the character had to be properly lit and shot. A material which takes seconds to watch took months to put together. So being an animator requires, not only talent and skill which are clearly givens, but patience and perseverance; qualities which I've always admired in my husband. Go Johnny! Knock 'em dead!